10 Oct Construction Products Regulation (CPR) for Cables
CPR for cables (Construction Products Regulation) for cables became a legal requirement in July 2017. CPR for fiber optic cables is having an intended use for permanent installation in buildings and construction works, to be accompanied by a Declaration of Performance (DoP). This requirement relates only to the Reaction to Fire performance of Fiber Optic, Data Lan Cables, Power Cables, etc.. As part of CPR for cables, all copper and fiber cables sold into the EU market must comply and hold the CE mark on it. Every CPR product also requires a Declaration of Performance (DoP) from the manufacturer that identifies the product, it is intended use and its Euroclass characteristics.
EN 50575 enables designers and installers to consider the contribution that cables make to the spread of fire. As cables run between rooms and floors or above ceilings and are often made from flammable materials. it’s important that the fire risk can be assessed easily. They can also be a source of ignition if badly installed, damaged or faulty.
CPR Construction products regulation for cables
How will it affect you..
Manufacturers need to draw up a Declaration of Performance (DoP), in a standard format which must include:
- A unique ID for the specific product
- Intended uses
- Manufacturers information
- The AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) system applied
- A dated reference of the harmonized standard
- The Notified Body used
- The Declared Performance (or NPD if no performance is declared)
Which fire classes are specified in the standards under the CPR?
CPR en 50575
Preparation Purpose of EN 50575 Standard:
It is the limitation of the formation and spread of fire and smoke, the fire reaction performance and test methods required by the cables within the scope of the standard, such as power, control and communication cables, which are used in general applications in construction works and are subject to fire reaction conditions.
Civil works: Describes all building works including both building and other civil engineering works.
Building material: It describes all materials or tool materials that are produced and put on the market for permanent use in all kinds of construction works or any part of these works, whose performance affects the performance of building works related to basic requirements.
That is, the EN 50575 standard covers all cables manufactured for permanent use in construction and other engineering works.
What cables are not excluded by the CPR?
In the case of cables, whose standard application is developed in EN 50575, CPR Construction products regulation for cables affects only those power cables, telecommunications, data and control, to be incorporated in construction works permanently, whether buildings or works civil engineering. They are excluded those cables for connecting devices such us cables in the automotive sector, electrical cables, etc, in the same way, lift cables and those manufactured for a specific process are not included.
For instance;
• Patch cables (patch cords)
• Cable systems covered by the Machinery Directive (e.g. lift cables)
• Cables not intended for use in construction works (e.g. outdoor cables)
• Flexible cables to devices, lights or machines
• Cables leading to consumers via connectors
• Safety cables with insulation integrity and/or functional integrity
What about our cables and CPR certification?
We are manufacturing an extensive range of EN50575 CPR compliant cables. This range is intended to be used in applications where CPR classification is required. We produce the safest possible cable solutions.
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) is an EU regulation for installation cables, classifying cables based on their fire performance. It is aimed to improve fire safety in buildings. In case of a fire, the biggest danger is the toxic smoke. Since buildings are filled with cabling, the risk of spreading fire is big.
Our cable range consists of
Tight Buffer Cables, Loose Tube Cables,
FTTx Cables, Arial Type Transmission Fiber Optic Cables,
Industrial Fiber Optic Cables. Data Lan Cable (CAT6, CAT6A and CAT7)
These specially designed cables provide optimal, tested safety in every environment. They are tailor-made to minimize any hazardous smoke, burning droplets and acidity in the smoke. The outer jacket is flame retardant, providing optimal resistance to spreading fire and therefore maximizing the overall safety of the construction and building. Available Euroclass types include B2ca, Cca and Dca, Eca.
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